It Is Happening Again…

When I first started working on Terror High, it was in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, an engine I had essentially spent my entire gamedev life in. As longtime followers will know, I made a decision relatively early on in the process to switch iHorses mid e-stream to Unity. This was not without its complications, as I... Continue Reading →

My Devlog Has Something to Tell You

If there’s one thing I’ve learned developing Terror High, it’s that writing regular devlogs is not my strong suit, and I’m much more interested in environmental design than nuts-and-bolts game mechanics… Okay, the two things I’ve learned developing Terror High are writing regular devlogs and working on nuts-and-bolts mechanics are not my strong suit, and... Continue Reading →

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

So, about that dang ol' 2020, huh? A lot has happened in the world since I last wrote you, Terrorteers, on both a macro (a deadly pandemic, a rapid slide into a dystopian police state, murder hornets) and micro level (friendships and relationships coming and going, moving across the country, career changes), but there's... Continue Reading →

Digital Light & Magic

Working on combat AI is all well and good, but Terror High is, at its heart, a horror game. After months of staring at bright, fully lit sprites, I've been ready for something a little different, something a little more atmospheric...something a little spookier. I love working in 2D, but as we've discussed previously, it... Continue Reading →

Mortal Combat

Ahoy, Terrorteers! During the radio silence since my last update, I've been hard at work on a variety of subsystems that are finally starting to coalesce into an actual combat system. One of the major components of this is enemy AI. I've got preliminary AI in place that allows for enemies to hear you, search... Continue Reading →

A Matter of Perspective

In game design, as in life, we are presented with choices. From the start, I knew Terror High was going to be a 2D game. This was dictated both by the engine (Clickteam Fusion 2.5, for those curious) as well as my own skills as an artist. But what kind of 2D? When it comes... Continue Reading →

Another Regular and Timely Update

If you’re anything like me, you love reading my weekly devlog updates as much as I love writing them. Not a single week goes by where I don’t relish filling you all in on all the exciting developments going on with Terror High. I certainly wouldn’t miss a week, or thirteen, without updating you on... Continue Reading →

The Name of This Post Is Talking Heads

Some of my most enjoyable gaming experiences in recent memory have revolved not around whizz-bang set pieces, but around quiet, personal moments of character interaction. Rather than using dialogue as mere exposition before the next bit of man shoots, narrative games like Life Is Strange, Oxenfree, and Night in the Woods focus on and even... Continue Reading →

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